A Journey Through The Chakras


Why do we need to clear blockages?

Blockages can be from old trauma, physical, mental, emotional energy that has been trapped in the cells and is causing disharmony to your entire system.

The longer this energy remains blocked the more impact it has on our physical, mental, emotional health.

By releasing the old energy, we release the memory of it from our cells and they come back into a sense of harmony.

What’s included?

A series of seven deep and immersive sound journeys to unblock and rebalance your entire chakra and energy system, Releasing physical, mental and emotional blockages.

Your Chakras:

1 - The Root Chakra. Your most physical chakra and anchor into this physical world

2 - The Sacral Chakra. Linked to your emotions (especially guilt), your creativity and sexual energy

3 - The Solar Plexus Chakra. Linked to your self esteem, identity and your sense of belonging

4 - The Heart Chakra - Linked to love, compassion and self-acceptance.

5 - The Throat Chakra. Linked to your true expression and communication

6 - The Third Eye Chakra. Linked to your inner knowing and intuition

7 - The Crown Chakra. Linked to your connection source / the oneness


To support you alongside each journey you also get .......

A chakra guide

A journal with prompts

To learn more about the chakra you are working with.

To capture your journey and reflect.

To allow allow wisdom and insight.

To follow those breadcrumbs...



Are you ready for something deeper than your run of the mill meditation or generic healing music?

What to expect

This is a

A deep meditative and healing experience

Sonically designed to activate each chakra

This is a fusion of sounds.

Based on a simple premise – One Bowl, One Voice

All organic. Pure resonance

No loops or samples. Just natural instrumentation.

All played and captured LIVE.

How will this help?

You get to have me in your pocket to channel sounds for you whenever you need them.

You'll have the space to do, be, have, create all the things that you want to create that are currently not happening in your world because you're stuck.

AND, you get to have me in your pocket to channel sounds for you whenever you need them.

The sounds gifted through me from spirit that enables you to have the healing over and over again. Not just a one off healing session.

The Story behind the music...

This series of journeys was born from a deep desire within me to connect, to heal.

To use my connection, energy, creativity and channel it into music.

I wanted to create something that encapsulated all of me and brought this new energetic expression of me into the world, almost anointing me.

This fusion of spirituality and creativity.

Because finally, the pieces I was looking for came together...

But it's deeper than that...

This also has such deep personal meaning to me

This is a deep healing journey, a sound healing treatment on another level.

This will ignite, awaken and stir things deep within you. This will shift and agitate and at times it may feel confronting.

Giving voice to that which is within you. Speaking to each and every part of your being, one chakra at a time.

And everytime you listen to this musical medicine, you will have a different experience and receive exactly what you need.

This is not note perfect, it's not meant to be.

I gave up the notion of note perfection when I was stripped vocally bare during my sound healing training. And I learnt that every note, sound, breath has a place in the rich tapestry of expression and healing.

And did you know that the “wrong notesactually serve a purpose?

This is not note perfect, it's not meant to be.

I gave up the notion of note perfection when I was stripped vocally bare during my sound healing training. And I learnt that every note, sound, breath has a place in the rich tapestry of expression and healing.

And did you know that the “wrong notesactually serve a purpose?

"Diana Nash is the real deal, and her soundscapes are my secret weapon for staying cool, calm, and connected, especially when the world around me is stressful."

"Diana Nash is the real deal, and her soundscapes are my secret weapon for staying cool, calm, and connected, especially when the world around me is stressful."

This isn't a one and done. This is a powerful set of tools for you to use as part of your personal practise.

Wherever you are - Healing, Growth or Maintenance these are an essential part of that journey.

Everytime they will you bring something entirely different based on what you need. Sometimes, it may challenge or confront you. Sometimes it may soothe. Sometimes it may bring that sweet release and surrender.

A Journey Through The Chakras is the chance to have me in your pocket. To be able to access me and my sound healing gifts, whenever you need it

This is a beautiful chanelled transmission, to activate, awaken, clear and soothe EXACTLY what you need right now.

A Journey Through The Chakras incorporates my beautiful healing instruments including the crystal singing bowls, chimes and whatever other instruments I am intuitively called to include as part of your prescription.

It will also involve my most powerful gift, my voice.

Chanelling melodies, light language, affirmations and messages your soul needs right now.

This is not just a one off healing session. This is sound medicine for your soul. The sounds gifted through me, for you, from spirit captured in a recording that enables you to receive the healing over and over again.

A Journey Through The Chakras

Sound medicine for your soul

  • A bespoke and unique experience that enables you to have the healing and sounds gifted through me from spirit over and over again. Not just a one off session.

About Me

Creator of sound. Lover of life. Connector of the soul.

I am a multi passionate creative. A Musician, trained Singer, Sound Healer and Coach. I am also a highly intuitive being and spiritual channel.

Here to create and serve from the highest, truest place possible - the heart. With love, honesty. intention and integrity.

Using my Intuition, Sound & Energy Healing and Connecting with your Mind, Body and Spirit, I am able to help you:

  • Release blockages from your chakras and energy system
  • Regain balance, control and freedom in your life
  • Accelerate your innate healing abilities and gifts - and harness your mind, body, spirit connection
  • Reconnect to your soul’s essence - FIND YOU AGAIN!

Client Love

"It changed my life"

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Hannah B


"I could not only hear it, I could feel it through the music"

I went into the ocean as a siren, swimming through this world. All of a sudden I was plunged in as if my body had gone somewhere else....

I now understand chanelled energy. I could not only hear it, I could feel it through the music.

Emie S


"This is not just an audio experience, this is a body, mind and soul adventure"

Diana’s singing…. oh how dreamy! Her voice is like a mixture of a native indians and a solo singer in a church. Hauntingly beautiful, moving and very spiritual.

This is not just an audio experience, this is a body, mind and soul adventure.

Thank you so much for sharing your talents and gifts.

Gina D



Can I listen to multiple journeys in one session?

I would recommend listening to one journey. This is because the body needs time to process what is being shifted by the sound. It can become overwhelmed by all the sound and energy and you may experience heightened healing responses.

What are healing responses?

Healing responses are basically how you respond to the sound, physically, mentally and emotionally. These can range from feeling energised, tired, feeling cold type symptoms, sickness or diahorea. These are all the bodies way of processing and getting rid of anything it no longer needs and also receiving a super charge of healing!

Is this suitable for everyone?

Sound healing is not suitable for everyone, please read the health disclaimers before purchasing.

What may I experience while listening?

You may experience altered states of consciousness. You may see colours, feel physical sensations such as tingles and changes in temperature. Your body may physically move or shake as the energy moves. You may connect to spirit yourself. You may feel heightened emotions and be shown things that you have been holding onto or supressing. You may receive your own guidance from spirit or your own intuition. All of this is perfectly normal. Don't overthink it, go with it!

Will I have the same experience everytime?

No! And this is the beauty of it. You will expereince EXACTLY what you need at that moment in time, and this will be different EVERY TIME!

Will it hurt or be uncomfortable?

It should never hurt. If you are currently experiencing pain in an area of your body you may feel this more intensely as the sound moves to this area to heal, this should ease. If the sound reaches a certain area and you feel discomfort, this is an indicator there could be blocked energy here, relax and breathe through it, it should shift. If at anytime the discomfort becomes too much, then stop listening.

Can I listen while doing something else?

For the best experience, I would recommend you totally immerse yourself and focus soley on the journey. DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY whilst listening as you could enter an alternate state of awareness and it would not be safe.

I feel really agitated after listening. What do i do?

This means something has been stirred up inside of you. Something that has probably been buried for a long time and now has come up to the surface, but not fully cleared. It may take a few more listens to shift or there may be some actions you need to take. Use your journal that comes with the course and see what comes to light.

I feel really sleepy after listening. Is that normal?

This is very normal. Your body may have just gone through quite an intense emotional experience and will need time to rest afterwards. This is why it is essential to give yourself time afterwards to process as the sounds will continue to move through you.

I feel really energised after listening. Is that normal?

This is very normal. Receiving intense sound healing can sometimes be like being plugged into the mains - you are pumped full of beautiful vibrant energy, your cells are singing and you are feeling GOOOOOD! Enjoy that shizz!

I feel really emotional after listening. Is that normal?

This is very normal. Your body may have just gone through quite an intense emotional experience and will need time to rest afterwards. Emotions that have possibly been buried for years have now has come up to the surface, but not fully cleared, and this is why it is essential to give yourself time afterwards to process what's come up. Use your journal that comes with the course and see what comes to light.

Well bugger me! You've made it all the way down to the bottom of the page, you're a thorough details type of person. I see you!

Now you've read everything, it's time to push the button (I dare you not to sing sugababes)












  • diana@diananash.co.uk


  • diana@diananash.co.uk







  • diana@diananash.co.uk